Your Complete Guide to Cracking It in the First Attempt – CLAT 2024 Strategies

CL Team June 22 2023
2 min read

Looking to Ace the CLAT 2024 Exam on Your First Attempt?

This blog provides effective strategies and tips to guide you towards a successful journey to your dream law school.

While studying the topics in the syllabus is essential, it is not the only thing you need to do to achieve a high score in the CLAT exam.

To ensure a smooth preparation and increase your chances of cracking CLAT 2024 in your first attempt, Career Launcher experts have shared some amazing tips and study plans.

By following these suggestions, you can improve your chances of acing the exam. If you still have any doubts or questions about exam preparation, continue reading to learn more about achieving a high score on the CLAT exam on your first attempt.

What is the Time Table to Crack CLAT 2024 in First Attempt?

A proper study plan is necessary to crack CLAT 2024 in first attempt. Recommended Time Allocation for CLAT 2024 Exam Preparation

To excel in the CLAT 2024 exam on the first attempt, it is essential to follow a well-planned study schedule.

  • Spend 1.5 hours reading newspapers
  • Allocate 1 hour to review topics from your error log
  • Devote 45 minutes to vocabulary building, including high-frequency words and regular newspaper reading
  • Dedicate 45 minutes to current legal knowledge
  • Set aside 1.5 hours for mathematics practice
  • Spend 1.5 hours studying the GMAT Official Guide
  • Allocate 2 hours for revising the day's topics and preparing for the next day's lessons
  • Devote 30 minutes to solving puzzles and analytical reasoning questions
  • Spend 1.5 hours practicing reading passages and grammar
  • Allocate 1.5 hours for daily revision and planning for the next day's study sessions
  • Practice mock tests twice a week to improve your performance.

Tips to Score 25+ Marks in the English Section and Crack CLAT 2024 on the First Attempt

The English section carries a weightage of 25-28 marks in the CLAT exam and assesses your understanding of the English language.

Here are some tips to improve your English skills and score well in the exam:

  1. Focus on improving your grammar and vocabulary skills.
  2. Avoid studying all topics at once; instead, study 2-3 topics a day and revise them daily.
  3. Develop a habit of reading newspapers daily, preferably The Hindu.
  4. In the grammar section, focus on correcting errors in given sentences.
  5. Practice consistently to improve your grasping ability.
  6. Create different types of sentences using new words learned each day.
  7. Familiarize yourself with sentence formation and proper word usage.
  8. Learn at least 10-12 new antonyms and synonyms every day.
  9. Start practicing with small passages and gradually move on to lengthy ones.

Tips to Score 30+ Marks in Legal Reasoning and Crack CLAT 2024 on the First Attempt

The Legal Reasoning section of the CLAT exam assesses your legal reasoning, research aptitude, and problem-solving ability.

Follow these tips to improve your score in this section:

  1. Quickly understand legal principles and jargon.
  2. Develop the ability to apply facts to situations and arguments.
  3. Practice shortcuts, but do not rely on them entirely. Use them for knowledge and new ideas.
  4. Aim to understand the concepts rather than cramming information.
  5. Good reading speed is crucial to success in this section.
  6. Practice solving questions from previous year's CLAT question papers.
  7. Read law magazines to gain a more legal perspective on issues.

Tips to Score 30+ Marks in General Knowledge and Crack CLAT 2024on the First Attempt

General Knowledge is a vast and diverse subject that requires a lot of hard work and dedication to score well in the CLAT exam.

Here are some tips to improve your score in this section:

  1. Read newspapers and magazines regularly to stay updated on current affairs and general knowledge topics.
  2. Create flashcards to remember important dates, events, and people.
  3. Watch news channels to stay updated on current events and happenings.
  4. Take quizzes and online tests to evaluate your knowledge and identify areas that need improvement.
  5. Subscribe to blogs and podcasts on various topics to gain more knowledge and insights.
  6. Revise regularly to avoid forgetting important information.
  7. Join study groups and discuss topics with peers to gain new perspectives and insights.


Cracking CLAT 2024 on your first attempt requires dedication, hard work, and a well-planned study schedule.

By following the tips and strategies mentioned in this blog, you can improve your chances of scoring well in the exam and achieving your dream of attending a top law school.

Remember, consistency and perseverance are key to success. Good luck!